The new Blood of BPMI UMM

Saturday, September 28, 2024 19:49 WIB

28 September 2024 – The Internal Quality Assurance Agency of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (BPMI UMM) received a new fresh blood. As a Chancellor, Mr. Prof. Dr. Nazaruddin Malik, S.E., M.Si., assigned two new heads of division who are expected to strengthen the internal quality assurance institutions of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang.

The head of the new field mentioned are Prof. Dr. Ir. Rahayu Relawati, MM., who was assigned as Head of Standards Development Division. Also Dr. Mohammad Shohib, S.Psi., M.Psi., who was appointed as Head of the Document Control and Assistance Division.

As the new head of the field, both Prof. Rahayu Relawati and Dr. Mohammad Shohib are the person who have quality, achievement, experience and integrity in carrying out their professional duties as a lecturer. The experience of carrying out structural tasks within UMM also supports their future success in carrying out the tasks assigned to them at BPMI. (yvs)
