UMM Plans to Renovate Units Simultaneously to Strengthen Quality

Tuesday, January 09, 2024 18:00 WIB


MALANG- Wednesday, January 9 2024, Muhammadiyah University of Malang through Sector Four: Institutions, Human Resources (HR) and Cooperation and Internal Quality Assurance Agency (BPMI) held a plenary Operational Plan (Renop) for Faculties, Study Programs and Governance Organizations (OTK ). This activity was attended by representatives from 11 Faculties, 63 Study Programs, and 45 OTKs.

Deputy Chancellor IV UMM, Prof. Dr. Sidik Sunaryo, SH., M.Si in his speech mandated that the Renop Strategic Plan is a transitional document.

"In its journey, UMM needs an important role from lecturers in developing their respective work and expertise. "In the implementation of management, there are parts that are handled by the Study Program, there are parts that are handled by the Faculty, and there are parts that are handled at the University level." said Prof Sidik.

Prof. Sidik added that it is very important that outcomes in management come from study programs and laboratories, because study programs and laboratories produce good graduates. All of these plans need to be included in the Renop. Because Renop is a transition document, it needs to be well planned for development every year. This Renop document is to maintain the transition of a program and activity to achieve a milestone, so that there is no impression of changing leaders changing programs, but changing leaders means the next leader will continue the Renop transition.

"In preparing Renop, all parties must be involved, including leaders, lecturers and staff, because everyone must work together to build it better." added Prof. Sidik.

Meanwhile. Prof. Dr. Ainur Rofieq, M.Kes as the person in charge of the Renop team and head of BPMI emphasized that
Renop is an organizational document that is used as a basis for carrying out operational management within one year.

"Centralization of administration, including determining performance indicators, is determined at the university level, so that the Renop is prepared at the university level, then reduced to the Renop of Faculties, Study Programs and OTK. The UMM Renop was prepared based on the UMM Strategic Plan, the UMM Strategic Plan was prepared based on the UMM RIP. We are currently entering Renop 2024, namely the second year of the 2023-2026 Strategic Plan. "The preparation of Renop 2024 is also based on the results of a review from 2023. In the Renop text, performance indicators and achievement targets come from accreditation policies, UMM policies and international recognition institutions." explained Prof Rofieq.

Prof. Rofieq also explained that the activities and activities that were created led to the achievement of performance indicators and achievement targets. Because Renop changes every year, the quality assurance of this Renop is used as a standard for the achievements of UPPS, Study Programs and OTK.

On the other hand, Prof. Dr. Tri Sulistyaningsih, M.Si as head of the 2024 Renop UMM preparation team explained that there were things that could be noted. First, Renop is a guide that becomes the future direction/determinant in achieving goals. Second, activities in Renop Faculties, Study Programs and OTK still refer to the Renop UMM indicators.

"We hope that today's plenary event will provide maximum results, so that the Renop documents for all units are prepared very well and can be implemented," concluded Prof Tri.
