BPMI UMM Makes it Easy to Implement SPMI via i-QASS 2.1

Wednesday, December 13, 2023 23:00 WIB


Wednesday, December 13, 2023

The Internal Quality Assurance Agency of the Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (Badan Penjamina  Mutu Internal/BPMI UMM) launched a management information system for the internal quality assurance system (Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Internal/SPMI). The system is named i-QASS 2.1. i-QASS is an abbreviation for Integrated Quality Assurance and Survey Systems. I-QASS is a management information system for managing the implementation of the internal quality assurance system in academic and non-academic fields at the Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. This system was trained to the Internal Quality Assurance Team (Gugus Penjaminan Mutu Internal/GPMI) teams from 10 Faculties at UMM.

Head of BPMI UMM, Prof. Dr. Ainur Rofieq, M.Kes conveyed various superior features of this system. This system was originally produced by BPMI UMM, it does not exist in other universities.

“Regulatory or policy documents are available in detail, both internally and externally. Apart from that, with i-QASS the accreditation documents that must be prepared by study programs in accordance with LAM become easier, faster and more complete. "Therefore, all of this must be used consistently and seriously," said Prof. Ainur Rofieq, M. Kes.

This professor in the field of biology and health education also said that it was very easy for UMM to fulfill the demands of LLDIKTI VII and the Ministry of Education and Culture. Even though more than 50 documents are requested, with i-QASS UMM it is very easy to fulfill and report. UMM no longer has to prepare painstakingly and type them one by one.

"Next, we will upgrade to i-QASS 2.2 which will add monitoring features or monitor lecturer performance, both for learning, research and service. "This monitoring will be useful for UPPS and study programs to see the performance of the tridharma," explained the LAMDIK and BAN-PT accreditation assessor.

Meanwhile, UMM Deputy Chancellor I Prof. Dr. Syamsul Arifin, M.Si in his speech emphasized that the UMM leadership always supports the performance of BPMI UMM as an important pillar of quality assurance and achievement of UMM. BPMI UMM always ensures that what UMM does is in line with the quality culture.

"We continue to strive to meet the targets planned in RIP, RENSTRA and RENOP. Therefore, UMM must be based on data and systems. We must eliminate individual claims. "The system must be the spearhead to work collectively to achieve university targets," hoped Prof. Syamsul.
