Wednesday, May 24, 2023 20:21 WIB

Malang, 24 May 2023 - Bhayangkara University of Surabaya (UBHARA) was warmly welcomed by a team from BPMI University of Muhammadiyah Malang. This comparative study was conducted on Wednesday (24/05/23) which took place in One Day Service (ODS) room of University of Muhammadiyah Malang with the aim and objective of studying and exchanging ideas about quality assurance practices in tertiary institutions. There were 10 (ten) staffs from BPMI UMM and 15 (fifteen) people from Bhayangkara University of Surabaya who also attended this benchmarking activity.

              The first remarks were opened by the Head of BPMI, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, namely Dr. Ainur Rofieq with the aim of welcoming the arrival of team from Bhayangkara University of Surabaya as well as opening the Benchmarking event. The Head of UMM BPMI started by introducing BPMI UMM members and explaining the existence of GPMI at Faculty level. Introduction as well as exchanging ideas and information about the organizational structure and their respective duties. Followed by the aims and objectives of the Benchmark by the head of team of Ubhara AMI by Mrs. Anggreini. The team from Ubhara consists of the Quality Assurance Team, the Quality Control Group (GKM) at Faculty level. Also present were representatives of BAPSI and the cooperation sector.

              The activity was formatted in form of FGD with the first topic of discussion, namely how to assist the implementation of quality policy at work unit level by BPMI UMM. This assistance is carried out with the aim of ensuring that all quality assurance policies can be implemented by work units effectively and efficiently. For example: preparation of an annual Operational Plan by UPPS or Study Program and implementation of monitoring and evaluation.

              Furthermore, regarding how the development and implementation of SIM SPMI at University of Muhammadiyah Malang. This SIM was developed at BPMI level which includes the function of managing the PPEPP cycle and user satisfaction surveys. The third discusses how to manage the user satisfaction survey, in Ubhara the survey with student respondents is integrated into the SIM managed by BAPSI: students must fill out a survey first. At UMM, lecturers were involved to encourage students to fill out user satisfaction surveys.

              Then the activity continued by discussing how to prepare human resources for internal quality auditors. At University of Muhammadiyah Malang, auditors are certified by the Research, Development Research and Development Council, PP. Muhammadiyah. It should be proposed that LL Dikti facilitate internal quality auditor certificates. Finally, the activity was closed by discussing the mechanism for preparing SPMI documents. At UMM the quality standard documents were derived in the following order: RIP - Strategic Plan - Renop - Quality Standards. (rzk)
