University of Pakuan Bogor Quality Assurance Institute Conducts Comparative Study Activities at University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Monday, February 27, 2023 18:43 WIB

University of Pakuan Bogor Quality Assurance Agency cooperates with Muhammadiyah University of Malang Internal Quality Assurance Agency (BPMI) in order to carry out a Comparative Study activity conducted at One Day Service (ODS), University of Muhammadiyah Malang on Monday (27/02/23). This activity was attended by a total of 10 (ten) BPMI staffs from University of Muhammadiyah Malang and 7 (seven) people from the Quality Assurance Institute, Pakuan Bogor University.

The Comparative Study activity began with remarks from Pakuan Bogor University Representatives by Dr. Griet Helena Laihad who's Chair of Pakuan Bogor University of Quality Assurance Institute. In her remarks she conveyed the intent and purpose of this arrival regarding Benchmarks. Together with 7 participants including Dr. Herman, S.E., M.M. (Head of Quality Assurance Center), Cantika Zaddana, S.Gz., M.Sc. (Head of Internal Quality Audit), Dr. Indriyani, M.Pd. (Head of External Quality Audit Office), Tri Rahman Syah, S.Kom. (IT staff), Dedah Faridah, S.E. (Admin staff), and also Erna Satriani N., S.E (Admin staff).

The second remarks as well as introductions from BPMI (Internal Quality Assurance Agency) team representing University of Muhammadiyah Malang by the Head of BPMI, namely Dr. Ainur Rofieq. Together with the Secretary, Head of Standards Development, SIM and Survey Sector, AMI and RTM Sector, also Documents and Assistance Sector. The Head of BPMI said that the structure of BMPI is under Rector, which coordinates with UPPS or Study Programs, and there is also an Internal Quality Assurance Group (GPMI) as an extension of BPMI. Quality assurance must exist at the Prodi level.

In this Comparative Study activity discuss regarding SPMI. Description of the implementation of Quality Assurance at Pakuan Bogor University has 38 standards, for 38 auditors. There is also a SIM, namely siamide. The explanation by the head of BPMI about SPMI UMM starts from the RIP and Resntra documents which contain IKU and IKT and their derivatives up to the RENOP. In this case there are also publications related to the LPM Pakuan Bogor University Web and the PPEPP cycle process also there is an ISO policy. Various experiences from BPMI UMM as a quality guarantor with criteria C1 to C10. Identity and Al Islamic of Muhammadiyah are characteristics or values ​​of University of Muhammadiyah Malang. (rzk)
