IAIN Langsa Quality Assurance Institute Holds Benchmarking to UMM

Thursday, December 29, 2022 18:40 WIB

            Malang, 29 December 2023 - The Quality Assurance Institution of Islamic State Institute (IAIN) Langsa visited the Internal Quality Assurance Agency (BPMI) of University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) in order to carry out a comparative study on Thursday (29/12/2022), at 08.00 WIB to finish. This benchmarking activity was held at University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), precisely at BPMI Office, and was attended by 10 BPMI staffs as well as 5 participants from the Quality Assurance Institution of Islamic State Institute (IAIN) Langsa.

            This comparative study activity began with remarks from the UMM BMPI, namely Dr. Tri Sulistyaningsih, M.Sc., as the secretary of BPMI UMM, and continued with the presentation of benchmarking purposes and the introduction of members from the Quality Assurance Institution of IAIN Langsa, by Dr. Yusaini, M.Pd., as Head of the Langsa IAIN Quality Assurance Institution. Furthermore, some materials regarding the internal quality of UMM were explained which were delivered by several presenters.

            The first material was related to SPMI management at UMM which was delivered by Dr. Tri Sulistyaningsih, M.Sc., as the secretary of BPMI UMM. While the second material, delivered by Hari Windu, as the Head of the Internal Quality Audit (AMI) and Management Review Meeting (RTM), includes material related to AMI, PPEPP, especially Evaluation (Monev) which includes UPPS, PS, and OTK on achievements each unit as material for evaluating the UMM level.

            Quoad the last material, namely the third material, is the perception of quality assurance and quality implementation at IAIN as well as additional standards that are characteristic that have never existed, also the AMI auditor recruitment system, which was delivered by Dr. Sabaruddin, as Head of the Audit and Quality Control Center of IAIN Langsa.

            In discussion session, there was a question and answer process regarding the PS accreditation process at UMM by APT institution which also headed for international accreditation. In addition, there was also a question and answer process regarding quality management documents at UMM along with the Budget Plan (RAB). In last session, the standard setting process at UMM was also explained according to the conditions at UMM. (yvs)
