In order to Strengthen Quality, BPMI UMM Assists Universitas Madako with SPMI Assistance

Wednesday, November 15, 2023 08:00 WIB


13-14 November 2023 assistance was carried out on the implementation of the Internal Quality Assurance System (Sistm Penjaminan Mutu Internal/SPMI) at Universitas Madako Tolitoli (UMADA).

Mentoring activities were carried out by two representatives from the Internal Quality Assurance Agency of the Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (Badan Penjaminan Mutu Internal/BPMI UMM), namely Dr. Saiman, M.Si and Dr. Husamah, M.Pd. This assistance is a series of activities supported by the 2023 Internal Quality Assurance System Developed Study Program Assistance Program in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Culture and UMM.

Universitas Madako Tolitoli (UMADA) is one of six universities in South Sulawesi and Central Sulawesi that is managed by UMM. This program runs for several months, starting from field visits, online workshops, and field assistance.

Vice Chancellor I UMADA Drs. Theopilus Cornelis Motoh, M.Pd expressed his thanks to BPMI UMM and the Ministry of Education and Culture for selecting this campus as a developed campus.

“We are committed to improving the quality of higher education administration. Through the Quality Assurance Institute or LPM UMADA we continue to strive. We realize that in accordance with the mandate of Law no. 12 of 2012, that quality assurance in higher education is aimed at quality education. "Universities must systematically carry out a quality assurance process through the Higher Education Quality Assurance System and refer to the National Higher Education Standards," said Deputy Chancellor I UMADA.

Meanwhile, the Head of LPM UMADA, Mr. Kahar SP., MP expressed his commitment to oversee SPMI UMADA.

"We enjoy learning with the UMM BPMI team. The internal quality assurance system or SPMI is a systemic activity of guaranteeing the quality of higher education by each university autonomously to control and improve the implementation of higher education in a planned and sustainable manner. "We continue to learn to make this happen," said Kahar, SP., MP.

On the other hand, Dr. Saiman, M.Si representing BPMI UMM painstakingly demonstrated the SPMI system that had been developed by BPMI UMM. The system is called i-QASS lite. This system can be used by all BPMI UMM partner universities.

"BPMI UMM developed i-QASS which was led by Dr. Wahono. This system is continuously supervised by Prof. Dr. Ainur Rofieq, M.Kes as Head of BPMI UMM. "Insha Allah, it will be useful for all campuses, ladies and gentlemen," explained Dr. Saiman, M.Sc.
