Well Welcomed : The Visit of Benchmark of PGRI Madiun University Quality Assurance by BPMI UMM

Saturday, December 17, 2022 01:32 WIB

            Malang - The Internal Quality Assurance Agency (BPMI) of University of Muhammadiyah Malang again received a visit of Benchmark from the Quality Assurance from University of PGRI Madiun which was welcomed to stay in touch and exchange knowledge about SPMI best practices at University of Muhammadiyah Malang (17/12).

            The activity was held in One Day Service (ODS) Room of University of Muhammadiyah Malang, which was attended by 10 (ten) BPMI UMM staff and 13 (thirteen) people from the Quality Assurance of University of PGRI Madiun. Deputy Rector IV of PGRI Madiun University attended this visit together with the Head of LPM, Secretary for Academic Host, Secretary for Monitoring and Evaluation, Teaching and Education Faculty Host, Business Economics Faculty Host, Engineering Faculty Host, Health Science Faculty Host, Law Faculty Host, Postgraduate Guarantee, Head of Accreditation Bureau, Accreditation Secretary, and LPM Staffs.

            Deputy Rector IV of PGRI University said that the purpose and intention of this visit was to stay in touch and learn from each other related to SPMI best practices at University of Muhammadiyah Malang. Which it contains 9 (nine) criteria, implementation of satisfaction level survey, and AMI (Internal Quality Audit).

            Presentations from UMM BPMI representatives became the next flow of benchmarking activities. BPMI representatives presented good practices of SPMI UMM management and followed by conducting FGD related to building and implementing SPMI, specifically related to flow or mechanisms, implementers, and descriptions of the implementation of AMI, satisfaction level survey, and utilization of SIM SPMI version 2.0, as well as implementation of monev and audit of financial activities. The last activity was closed with good practices in implementing Internal Quality Audit for OTK and efforts to build quality awareness and culture. (rzk)
