BPMI UMM Strengthens Quality Assurance for Six Sulawesi Campuses

Friday, December 08, 2023 00:05 WIB


Thursday, December 7, 2023

Thursday, December 7 2023, the 2023 Internal Quality Assurance System (Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Internal/SPMI) Developed Study Program Assistance program was closed. This activity was organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Agency of the Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (Badan Penjaminan Mutu Internal/BPMI UMM) and supported by the DIKTI Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs, Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology. Activities will take place from August to December 2023.

Prof. Dr. Ainur Rofieq, M.Kes as Head of BPMI UMM said that this activity was focused on assisting six universities in South Sulawesi and Central Sulawesi. This activity, which was carried out online (via Zoom) and offline (field visits), has provided benefits in improving quality assurance in six universities and dozens of study programs.

“Six developed universities have achieved a lot of improvement. Although there needs to be acceleration and improvement in future follow-up to maximize the fulfillment of documents and implementation of SPMI. We are of course grateful to the leaders and quality assurance teams from STIKES Bhakti Pertiwi Luwu Raya, UTS Makassar, STIK Indonesia Jaya, UMADA Tolitoli, STIE Mujahidin, and the Palu Fisheries and Maritime College who have been serious and working hard all this time. Hopefully this will be capital for accreditation whose systems or instruments will be new and continue to develop. "SPMI is the entry point for assessors, so we hope that PT Terbina will not be left behind," said Prof. Ainur Rofieq.

The notes given by Prof. Ainur Rofieq are several documents from the terbina PT that need to be completed. Some documents are not yet authentic because they have not been validated. Therefore, he asked for it to be immediately repaired and perfected.

Meanwhile, UMM Deputy Chancellor I Prof. Dr. Syamsul Arifin, M.Si in his speech expressed his appreciation for the performance of BPMI UMM and the enthusiasm of the team from PT Terbina.

"Thank you to BPMI UMM who is always active in fostering. I was invited several times to close the event, this shows the many activities carried out by BPMI. BPMI is a cornerstone or pillar at UMM. So we hope it will have an impact on PT Terbina. "This institution guarantees and provides certainty that all tridharma or chess dharma refers to existing quality standards," he said.

Prof. Dr. Syamsul Arifin, M.Si hopes that this echo will continue to support internationalization efforts. There are many international accreditation options to choose from, thus having an impact on higher education excellence. In the future, the new mechanism will use a monitoring pattern. This pattern certainly shows that the role of quality assurance is very important. For this reason, quality assurance through the work of BPMI or whatever it is called at partner universities must be supported by the leadership and all parties. This must be a joint commitment which is basically fulfilling society's demands.

In this activity, announcements and appreciation were also given for the Best PTs for Fulfilling SPMI Mentoring documents, the Best PTs for fulfilling documents uploaded on SPMI, and the most active participants. This activity was guided by the Secretary of BPMI UMM, Prof. Dr. Tri Sulistyaningsih, MSi.

Representatives from partner universities also conveyed their impressions and messages from the participants. In essence, they appreciate the mentoring activities that have been carried out, both online and offline. In general, many achievements have been obtained in the quality assurance aspect. Participants said that during these three months many documents and policies had been taken based on the results of input and assistance provided by the BPMI UMM team.
